PROJECT 2025: A Manifesto of Doom
Join us for a brief look at Project 2025 and what it can mean to our lives with Lujira Cooper.
Live music with DuPree and Barry Kornhauser.
Lujira Cooper is an African American 76-year-old lesbian activist living in New York’s Upper Westside. Her interests include writing, photography, and advocating for LGBTQ persons of all ages. She facilitates a writing playshop at SAGE, an advocacy organization for the elder LGBTQ population. Spoke at the SAGE gala in 2016 and the World Pride opening ceremony in 2019 as a SAGE member. She has been featured in two coffee table photography books: Grace Bonney’s COLLECTIVE WISDOM: Lessons, Inspiration and Advice from Women Over 50 and THE WATERMARK’s NOT ANOTHER SECOND which speaks of the lives of fourteen LGBTQ seniors and is a touring exhibit. She has published one book Theft of Trust and is currently working on a space saga and a second in the Theft of series about strong women. She returned to school in 2016 and by 2020 she had gotten a BA and MA in English and Creative Writing, and a BS in Criminal Justice and she did a presentation in 2022 for the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) on creativity to ease tortured LGBTQ seniors. She is on BSEC’s Board of Trustees.
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