Ethics For Children Service Project – Multigenerational Connection

Ethics for Children Service Project – A Surprise Party!

Ethics for Children Service Project – Books
The Ethics for Children program hosted its first service day of 2022 with a theme of literacy. They collected 26 boxes of gently used books (that is over 1,000 books) to donate! The children’s books that were collected are being donated to the Brooklyn Book Bodega (brooklynbookbodega.org) – a non-profit that collects and distributes kids’ books with a mission to increase the number of 100+ book homes for kids in NYC. The adult books that were collected have been donated to Books to Prisoners, a collaborative project of BSEC and The Humanist Being which provides books to prison libraries. In addition to collecting and sorting books, the kids made bookmarks, wrote book recommendations for their favorite titles, and of course, spent a little time just reading. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event such an amazing success!
Ethics for Children Service Project – Food Security
The December Ethics for Children Service Day was focused on food security. We assembled grab bag lunches and collected pantry items for the community fridge that is hosted by the Wyckoff Museum (5816 Clarendon Rd Brooklyn). We also had a special guest, Anaika Forbes, who set up the fridge and the Team Leader of Hashtag LunchBag Brooklyn. Anaika shared how this community fridge, and 2 others, came to be, and how she works to help address food insecurity in Brooklyn. At the end of our day, 24 complete lunches and 4 big bags of pantry goods were delivered!