The Imaging of Emmett Till – A discussion
with TJ Wilson
Black imaging – is it a shared experience? Let’s discuss black imagery and artistry; how do they intersect to create a political moment?
TJ Wilson is a student artist attending CUNY’s Hunter College, majoring in studio art with a minor in art history. Her studio work is mainly portraits, figurative work and street scene sketching with her interest in art history focusing on African American artists and imaging throughout the history of the United States. TJ will be exhibiting this month at 205 Hudson Street, NYC and her upcoming BFA thesis project in Spring 2025 will be exhibited at Hunter College’s Leubsdorf Gallery. She is expected to graduate in Spring 2025 and will enter into a rigorous MFA program in Fall 2026.
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Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture,
269 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215
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