Community Trip to National Museum of the American Indian

Community Trip to National Museum of the American Indian

Last Saturday, we had an enjoyable and worthwhile visit to the National Museum of the American Indian, part of the Smithsonian Institution. The Museum contains one of the largest collections of native American objects, representing many different cultures and communities from Alaska to the end of South America.
Our group included Angel, her daughter Sakia, Kerry, Malang, Micheleen, Janna, her daughters Nadine and Beatrice, DuPree and Burt. Angela Blair joined from Staten Island, Elaine and Jean Pierre from London and Italy and Eliot (Guest from CA). We toured the galleries at our own pace, immersing ourselves in the historical, artistic and cultural exhibits and narratives. We attended a short, interesting film on what it means to be a “native” New Yorker. We were exposed to some of the enormous cruelties imposed on indigenous peoples and left with a deeper understanding and a heavy heart. Before returning home, we looked at Fraunces Tavern from the Revolutionary War days and had a tasty buffet lunch. All in all, a trip to remember.
By Burt Hurwitz
Rebecca Lurie Receives Anna Garlin Spencer Volunteer Award

Rebecca Lurie Receives Anna Garlin Spencer Volunteer Award

Rebecca Lurie has been an indispensable member of the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture since 1998. She has been a leader at BSEC throughout her tenure here. She has served as BSEC Board President, managed our Building and Grounds committee and most recently has been a leader of our FY24 Organizational Development effort that is leading the way for the future of BSEC

Rebecca Lurie is Founder of the Community and Worker Ownership Project at the City University of New York (CUNY) School for Labor and Urban Studies and the Murphy Institute where she also serves as faculty in the Urban Studies Department. She is a founding member of the worker-owned cooperative, New Deal Home Improvement Company and is a licensed carpenter.

Art Outside (with pictures)

Art Outside (with pictures)

This past Sunday, our platform brought together art, music, and activities, for an engaging, diverse, participatory and enlightening event with Ed Woodham about the value of the arts in bringing attention to social issues and seeking social change. Participants of all ages created their own artwork to share with their communities.


The Women of Color Writers Event (with pictures)

The Women of Color Writers Event (with pictures)

This past Saturday, November 16, 2024, BSEC hosted the Women of Color Writers – Telling Our Story, Preserving Our Legacy event. The space was generous, warm, and friendly and about 30 participants came to take part in Captivating Performances, Writing Workshops, Rich Open FlooHot Topic Discussions, Light Refreshments, and More.
Thank you to all who organized and who came to this special event.

If you are interested in purchasing The Women of Color Writers book, please use the link below:

Get Your Copy Today!  Paperback or Ebook
Cover Art by Laura Duffy Design





By Lujira Cooper

Today, we cry for those who’ve died.  We weep for those murdered, and then we fight. For too long we’ve hidden to forget the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” thrown at us. NO MORE. Neither do we hide under a rock nor in a closet obscuring our true selves. No longer do we allow others to define us. WE DEFINE OURSELVES. We stand tall in our beingness. “We refuse to be invisible.” Yes, the shadows darken as forces rise to defeat us however, we’re the light. We are not violent people until violence comes to us. WE DEFEND OURSELVES. As blazing beacons of light, we shine through the darkness. WE SHINE. Yes, life will get harder during this time of darkness, and yet we will survive, thrive, and live.  We’re here for our younger brothers and sisters. We will not permit our elimination. Some of us may perish in this fight but it is a battle worth fighting. Some of us may hide until the horrors are over, I understand. There are times to step back, though I don’t think now is that time, I understand doing so. If horrors come, we will create places of safety. We create our own UNDERGROUND RAILROAD. Eventually, we will defeat the dragon at our door. As The Bible says, “Everything must change.” Nothing lasts forever, neither good nor bad. However, we will survive and grow. Each one of you is one of many faces and bodies determined to live your life. We know our lives are sacred. Attacks will bombard us like a tsunami and yet we’ll ride these waves of hatred into peace and love. We will assuage our pain with friends and community. Today begins our fight to exist and we do. We are challenged and rise to accept it. We will use our united anger to fight, and we will win. Just by not giving up we have won.