Disability Dance Culture Brings Great Joy

With Krishna Washburn

Experience a brief introduction to many facets of blind and visually impaired dance culture.

This educational experience will be a brief introduction to some of the many facets of blind and visually impaired dance culture. We will share the one minute trailer to Telephone, my educational documentary film about audio description for dance. We will share a captioned video of myself dancing and self-audio describing as I do in my ballet technique classes. I will speak a bit about what it’s like to study ballet with me and traditional blind dance techniques, and give a short demonstration of posture and port de bras. I will also play some audio-only examples of audio description for dance and lead the attendees through a series of questions: What do I understand about this dance from listening to the audio description? What is the emotional character of this dance? Is this an example of equitable or inequitable audio description?

Krishna Washburn is the sole educator and developer of curriculum for Dark Room Ballet, a comprehensive pre-professional set of courses designed to support blind and visually impaired artists and artists working in the audio description field and the co-director of Telephone, an educational documentary about audio description for dance.

Join us in person at:
Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
269 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11215
and RSVP for hybrid information:


May 12 2024


11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Sunday Platform

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