Heading for Extinction and What to Do About It

We will discuss the ecological crisis and the latest scientific findings on the risks and current trajectory of the planet. The talk also includes the possibility of abrupt climate change and human extinction. What does ethical living require from us during such a crisis? How can we be an ethical community that makes a difference in the face of a catastrophe? Extinction Rebellion is a non-partisan international movement that uses non-violent direct action to demand that governments act on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Bill Beckler helped found and was an outreach coordinator for climate activist group Extinction Rebellion NYC. Previously he worked for SEIU’s Justice for Janitors campaign. He was trained as a community organizer by the Gamaliel Foundation, the organization in which Barack Obama worked before he entered politics. He and his family are members of Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture.

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Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
269 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11215
and RSVP below for Zoom link:



Mar 10 2024


11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Sunday Platform

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