Lucy’s Children Presents – Writing a Holocaust Survivor’s Memoir (hybrid)

A message for today’s world.

Q.What can a Holocaust memoir teach us for today?
A. It can happen again.

The Linden Still Bloom – A Survivor’s Story is a new memoir by Shoshana Kahn with Dror Kahn. She tells of being a Jewish teenage girl in Latvia during World War 2. How her ordinary school girl life turned into one of kidnappings, murders, treachery, slave labor, starvation and disease. She tells how she values changed, how she coped, and what she observed in people. We are with her through the period of Nazi Aktions (the roundups), the massacres, the ghetto, concentration camps. and of her daring escape and disguises.

Dror Kahn, who wrote the book with his mother, will present a slide show on what he learned about the period as he researched and worked on the book and why its message is important for today.

The Linden Still Bloom – A Survivor’s Story ebook will be free on Amazon from March 26 – March 30.

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, 269 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215

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Mar 26 2025


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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