Brooklyn Ethical Blog

Ethics for Children – Lots of news for 2017-2018!

Dear EfC Parents, Taty and Lea here! Hope you are having a wonderful summer.  We are looking forward to fall already! There will be lots of new additions to our kids class this year, such as regular yoga and midfulness classes, permaculture and volunteering and...

Pictures from our Refugee Welcome Dinner

Pictures from our Refugee Welcome Dinner

Thank you all who helped make our Refuge Welcome Dinner Such a successful event. BSEC members and several organizations and volunteers got together to warmly welcome new friends from all over the world who recently came to make NYC their homes. We are glad you are...

Members’ Meeting – January 29th, 2017

Dear Members, We are looking forward to our next Members' Meeting, January 29th, 1-3PM. We will have a slightly abbreviated platform and luncheon that morning. As many of us have expressed, at this time, we are all called to action. As members of Ethical Culture we...

Our Winter Solstice Celebration 2016

In times of darkness, we celebrate the Winter Solstice together to welcome the return of the light. Our inter-generational event focused on ancient South American civilizations and how they honored the sun. DuPree led the musical part of the event and the children...

Ethics for Children Update – December 4th, 2016 class

Simba Yangala (Exploring Ethics, 3-7 years) It was fun being at the platform with the children, sharing a song with the grown ups this Sunday morning. Back in our class, after our greeting song, I asked the children which place they liked more, the children's place or...

A few easy ways to help BSEC:

Dear friends and members: We are approaching the end of the year and entering the shopping season. We encourage you to support local business and small, homegrown vendors and artisans whenever you can, but we understand that many of you will also shop online. If you...

Pictures of our Wampanoag Ceremony 2016​

Every year, BSEC celebrates this time of the year with special attention and respect to our Native American communities during a beautiful intergenerational ritual we call the "Wampanoag Ceremony".  The event is led by Remi Gay, a former board officer and long-time...

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