Process without Expectation – A Class of Art and Meditation

Have you ever witnessed a young child engrossed in the experience of artmaking and felt a tinge of envy at their unhindered creativity? As adults we are unaccustomed to letting go; freeing our minds of the desire to control the outcome of a creative project. We are, after all, a product oriented society. 

In this class we will practice a combination of painting and meditation, both aimed to bring us fully into the moment and provide us a deeper way of being in touch with ourselves.

Our experientials will be inspired by a merging of mindfulness mediation and process painting. Mindfulness Meditation “is about paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally” (John Kabat-Zinn). Process Painting is the act of “painting what we don’t know” (M.Cassou and S.Cubley) 

No previous artistic or meditation experience is required.
Supplies needed will be paint, something to paint with, and something to paint on
We suggest watercolor, 3-5 different brush sizes and heavy paper such as cardstock or large index cards

Members Only – Space is limited, so RSVP today:


Oct 01 2021


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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